OxygenOS 3.5.5 Open Beta 6 released for OnePlus 3
OnePlus has dropped the latest beta for the OnePlus 3. This is the OxygenOS 3.5.5 Open Beta 6 that is based on Marshmallow and available for download now.
The list of changes in this version include:
Added OnePlus FileDash functionality for convenient file transfers
Added ability to switch launcher layouts
Integration of Google Map to share locational information in messages
Redesign of the phone calling UI
Added personalized ringtone information in contact details
Added ability to view the entire call history of the selected contact
Introduction of the OnePlus Community App
Increased system stability
General bug fixes
If you have the previous beta then you will get this one as an OTA. If not, then you will have to sideload it via ADB. Check the source the source below for the download link and other details.
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